Art direction & design for third year fashion students at Beckmans College of Design. Thirteen collections were created in collaboration with six Swedish fashion brands that focus on sustainable clothing. To showcase the clothing and their sustainability, we created the concept title Window Shopping - the act of looking at clothes without the intention of buying.

The project lasted for 2,5 months, and resulted in a fashion film, teasers, an invitation to a fashion show and a digital and physical lookbook showcasing thirteen looks in total. The results were shown at Copenhagen Fashion Week 2020.

Teasers from the movie were released on social media to build up for the upcoming fashion week event in Copenhagen. The whole concept builded on the models acting/posing behind a glass wall. We wanted the models to act in a performative, engaging way, as to present the act of Window Shopping as a new entertainment form in itself.
View the full film below. 

Instead of creating a classic catalouge to show the looks, we wanted to make something more conceptual in regards to our theme. We designed a lookbook with the dimension 8 x 125 cm, drawing visual references to a receipt. The lookbook was sealed together with a transparent rubber band.

When unfolding the lookbook, we wanted to create a feeling of an infinte piece of paper, but also to engage the user in an unexpected way.

Mobile and desktop versions of the digital lookbook where viewer can read full texts from each fashion student discussing their work and concept. The mobile version was made to reflect the physical lookbook. Visit the lookbook here.