SOS Alarm
The emergency phone number in Sweden is 112. However, many of the incoming calls are not emergencies but are in fact issues better directed to the other numbers provided by SOS Alarm. One can call 1177 if you, or a relative become unwell and require consultation, or if you need help finding the right care. 113 13 is the national information number. You can call the information number to provide or obtain information regarding serious accidents and crises. And finally, 114 14 for all matters that do
not involve crimes or incidents that are in progress or have just occurred.
Together with Agnes Moström, we created the promotiona video Ring Rätt, call correctly, for SOS Alarm to help inform the public that other numbers are available.
Together with Agnes Moström, we created the promotiona video Ring Rätt, call correctly, for SOS Alarm to help inform the public that other numbers are available.